ABC Radio Newcastle works through the alphabet looking at a different profession each week. This week was I for Industrial Designer; the ABC Morning Programs Paul Turton spoke to our lead designer Jon Pryer.
“So what is industrial design”
“That’s THE question………. an industrial designer provides the contact surfaces between the mechanics of a product and the user – how it looks, how it feels, how you engage with it and obviously how its made, and often we add that little thing which nobody knew they needed……. but’s what makes it SPECIAL . Did you know it was an industrial designer who put the light globe in the refrigerator, and it was the same industrial designer who designed interior of the Skylab the US space station and put a window in facing back at earth – NASA didn’t want it….”NO windows”….. it was a bit of a structural problem; but the astronauts spent much of their free time looking out of it …… at home” (Did you know Neo Industrial Design worked on the Australian Federation Satelite).
Does your next products user deserve something SPECIAL